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Browse Veterans' Experience & War Effort

Officers of the 184th Battalion - WWI (1914)

Three of the officers pictured in this photo were from Manitou.


    Pembina Manitou - Roll of Honour WWII (1939)

    This file contains a listing of the servicemen from the district who served and died during the Second World War.


      R M of Pembina - Roll of Honour WWI (1914)

      This file contains the most current information in our possession concerning those who served and died during the First World War.


        Shewfelt, Dorothy - 'Lest We Forget' (1939)

        A collection of newspaper articles which appeared in the Manitou Western Canadian recognizing the contribution and life experiences of our WWII veterans.


          Soldiers of the Soil - 1918 (1914)

          Brochure published in 1918 by the Province of Ontario Organization of Resources Committee to encourage farmers to produce more food for the troops in Europe.


            The Arras Photo Album (1918)

            A collection of photos taken by a member of the Manitoba Regiment between October 1918 and July 1919 in England and Northern France. The photos emphasize the destruction evident on the battlefileds and the include many photos of other soldiers in his regiment.


              Thorleifson, Allan Olafur - Canadian Army Soldiers Service Book 1939 - 1945 (1942)

              Every serviceman in the Second World War was required to carry a Service Book which recorded medical and operational information of his service. This document provided the first indication that Allan's health may have been jeopardized by his service while in England.


                Veals W E - Don't Waste Oil or Rubber - Howe Hon C D

                The W E Veals fond contains many documents related to the war effort which took place in the Darlingford district in support of the troops overseas during WW2.


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