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Browse Veterans' Experience & War Effort

ASCOLI Herbert Alfred - Roll of Honour (1914)

Containing a set of links outlining this veteran's war experience.


    Available On Line - Manitoba's Newspapers (1880)

    This is a listing of all Manitoba newspaper which we currently are aware are available online. We will pdate the listing as we become aware of changes.


      Baldur Decoration Day Service - 1953

      A ciommunity memorial cservice.


        BARRETT Robert Lee - Roll of Honour (1914)

        Containing a set of links outlining this veteran's war experience.


          Bond Family Album - Memories of WWII (1935)

          Although the album covers several generations, the emphasis is on the experiences of several family members in the air force during World War II. Photo commentaries are very detailed.


            Chapman, William - IN REMEMBRANCE (1939)

            A series or remembrances written by Muriel McIntosh concerning Willima Chapman's experiences in World War II.


              Christmas on the Queen Elizabeth II

              Allan Thorleifson celebrated Christmas on board the Queen Elizabeth II in 1945. He asked hius supper mates to autograph his meno.


                CRAIN, Percy Lewis - Links to Service Records (1914)

                A listing of web links to records of Percy Lewis's WWI experiences.


                  CRAIN, Percy Lewis - Roll of Honour - Letters (1914)

                  A collection of letters written by Percy Crain during his time in Europe during WWI.


                    Crain, Percy to Arthur Buchanan - Post card (1914)

                    This post card, sent with short notice probably just before moving into battle, provides a stark examplt of the soldier's world.


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