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Darlinfdord School Heritage Museum Accession Files - Part 18 (1880)

Contains a listing of the collection items at the museum, accession numbers, description of items, and occaional photographs.


    Darlingford School Heritage Museum Accession Files - Part 14 (1880)

    Contains a listing of the collection items at the museum, accession numbers, description of items, and occaional photographs.


      Darlingford School Heritage Museum Accession Files - Part 15 (1880)

      Contains a listing of the collection items at the museum, accession numbers, description of items, and occaional photographs.


        Darlingford School Heritage Museum Accession Files - Part 16 (1880)

        Contains a listing of the collection items at the museum, accession numbers, description of items, and occaional photographs.


          Darlingford School Heritage Museum Accession Files - Part 17 (1880)

          Contains a listing of the collection items at the museum, accession numbers, description of items, and occaional photographs.


            Darlingford School Heritage Museum Accession Files - Part 19 (1880)

            Contains a listing of the collection items at the museum, accession numbers, description of items, and occaional photographs.


              Darlingford School Heritage Museum Accession Files - Part 20 (1880)

              Contains a listing of the collection items at the museum, accession numbers, description of items, and occaional photographs.


                Darlingford School Heritage Museum Accession Files- Part 13 (1880)

                Contains a listing of the collection items at the museum, accession numbers, description of items, and occaional photographs.


                  Darlingford War Memorial - WWI Veterans - Photo Collection

                  Records the war record and the photographs of Darlingford raised veterans of the First World War.


                    Darlingford War Memorial - 100 Years of Memories

                    An article regarding the centennial of the Darlingford War Memorial and a related collection of photographs and historical articles.


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