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Browse Buchanan, Dave

Buchanan Collection - This Business of Farming - Part 1

A collection of documents concerning the Buchanan farming operation from the 1890s to the 1920s.


    Buchanan Collection - This Business of Farming - Part 2

    A collection of documents concerning the Buchanan farming operation from the 1920s to the 1940s.


      Buchanan Collection - Photos of Early Generations

      A collection of photos of the Buchanan and Windsor clan from their first decades in the McKenzie District.


        Crain, Percy to Arthur Buchanan - Post card

        This post card, sent with short notice probably just before moving into battle, provides a stark examplt of the soldier's world.


          Buchanan Collection - Recollections

          An anonymous series of recollections about early days in the district.


            184th Battalion - Photo Collection

            Collection of photographs of the 184th and of the installation of the cenotaph in 1921.
