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The Twenties

1918 - 1929

Post first war mechanization and the modernization of farming.

Community Histories

Darlingford School Heritage Museum Accession Files- Part 13 (1880)

Contains a listing of the collection items at the museum, accession numbers, description of items, and occaional photographs.


    Darlingford School Photo Collection (1880)

    A collection of photos from the Darlingford School Heritage Museum.


      Darlingford School Reunion 1978 - Student List 1910-1978

      Draft copy f the school student list prepared for the Darlingford School Reunion.


        Diana Icelandic Pioneer Cemetery (1898)

        This small rural cemetery, now surrounded by pasture, once served the small Icelandic community in the Diana district.


          Duncan - Baseball in Manitoba

          A celebration of the game in Southern Manitoba.


            Duncan - The South West Corner (1880)

            A short history of the southwestern corner of Manitoba.


              Elder Enns

              Written by F. F. Enns, this is a biography of  a respected spiritual leader in the Mennonite community.


                Elkhorn Residential School - The Spirit Lives On (1880)

                A history of the Elkhorn Residential School in Elkhorn, Manitoba.


                  Emmanual Baptist Church, Morris MB - 1896-1996

                  A history of the church community.


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