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The Twenties

1918 - 1929

Post first war mechanization and the modernization of farming.

Community Histories

Grain Harvesters - Quick & Buchele

A history of farm machinery.


    Grant, Agnes - No End of Grief - Indian Residential Schools in Canada (1880)

    An account addressing the experiences of First Nations children in the residential schools.


      Griswold - Bridging the Years (1880)

      A history of the community of Griswold, Manitoba.


        Griswold - Bridging the Years - Centennial Booklet (1880)

        A short history of the community prepared for the 1967 Centennial.


          Handford - Conner Family Photos - Kathy Conner

          A collection of photos from 1890 to 1954 taken and collected by Ida Handford Conner which chronicle their lives in the Hamilton/Snowflake district and at Conner Bridge in Southern Manitoba.


            Harris, David J - Miami Railway Station Museum (1880)

            David Harris's history of the Miami Railway Station Museum.


              Heritage of the Central Plains

              A heritage brochure published by the Manitoba HIstoric Resources Branch  promoting the Central Plains of Southern Manitoba.


                Heritage of the North

                A heritage brochure published by the Manitoba HIstoric Resources Branch  promoting Northern Manitoba.


                  Heritage of the Parklands

                  A heritage brochure published by the Manitoba HIstoric Resources Branch  promoting the Parkland region of Western Manitoba.


                    Heritage of the Southeast

                    A heritage brochure published by the Manitoba HIstoric Resources Branch  promoting Southeastern Manitoba.


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