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Available On Line - Manitoba's Newspapers (1880)

This is a listing of all Manitoba newspaper which we currently are aware are available online. We will pdate the listing as we become aware of changes.


    B. K. & Claire Johnson's Centennial HIstory - 1970 (1880)

    A short family history published during Manitoba's Centennial year.


      Bell, Lorraine - Figure Skating and Carnival Scrapbook

      A photo collection focusing on figure skating in the Morris district.


        Bell, Robert John - Family History a

        One of a series of interviews with community elders concerning the history of the Morris Manitoba district.


          Benton Henry - Memoir

          Photos and a short biography.


            Benton Mary Alice - Memoir

            Photos and a short biography.


              Beygrau Paul T & Luther Burbank In Memorium (1920)

              Beygrau, in later life, worked with Luther Burbank in his gardens. Their friendship led to Beygrau managing the development of Burbank's Gardens after Burbank's death.

              Document from the Sonoma County Library.


                Beygrau Paul T - Manitou Works of Art - 1896-1905 (1894)

                Paul Beygrau, artist, engineer, left an impressive legacy in the three years he was in Manitou. His art works on the walls of the Cassin House Hotel impressed guests until its fiery destruction in 1959. 

                Details of his work on the Robson House have been photographed by the Sharpe family during renovations on the house. His only remaining work is the drawing he did of the Manitou Curling Club members, drawn in 1894.


                  Beygrau Paul T -in Berkeley California - The Inspired Madness of the Plaster Palace (1920)

                  This tour through the house Beygrau designed, built and decorated in Berkeley, Californis gives a sense of the style of his art works.


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