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Browse Memoirs & Memories

Cartwright - Memories along the Badger (1880)

A history of the community of Cartwright and municipality of Roblin in Southern Manitoba.


    Chalmers, Robert Slater - Memoirs - 1900-1971

    Chalmers' memoir includes description of his memories of the McClung family and of his wanderings as a young man.


      Chalmers, Rupert Slater - Memoirs (1900)

      Short description of his life and times.


        Charyk J C - Those Bittersweet Schooldays

        Memories of the one room school house.


          Chicken Hill School District - A History

          A short history of the school and district.


            Christmas on the Queen Elizabeth II

            Allan Thorleifson celebrated Christmas on board the Queen Elizabeth II in 1945. He asked hius supper mates to autograph his meno.


              Chronicles of Kingsley - Part 2

              A series of letters written by Mrs. Will Laird, ne Annie Penman, from her Kingsley valley farm to her mother, Mrs R. Penman.


                Clayton, Stew - Kaleida K's 1974 - 1978 Team Inducted (1974)

                Notes and comments from the ceremony.


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