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Browse Community Histories

The Little Immigrants - Thomas Bagnell

A history of the experiences of orphans who were sent to the Canadian prairies.


    The Mennonites - A Pictorial History of their Lives in Canada

    Andreas Schroeder tells the story of Mennonite settlement in Canada through photographs.


      The Metis of Willow Bunch

      Written by Ron Rivard and Catherine Littlejohn, this book tells the story of the Métis families who started out in the Red River district, then moved west to Rock Lake and eventually to Willow Bunch, Saskatchewan.



        The Palliser Expedition

        A segment of the Palliser Expedition journal of John Palliser emphasizing the Manitoba componsent of his journey - 1857 - 1859.


          The Pas Moraine and Mossy Portages

          Booklet published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

          Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


            The Scalping of Marguerite Trottier - 1809

            A short history of this event.


              The Spectator - Manitou Collegiate Year Book 1937 (1936)

              Although missing the last pages, this mimeographed yearbook celebrates the students attending Manitou Collegiate in 1936-37.


                The Spectator 1940-41 (1940)

                The Manitou Collegiate Institute Year Book 1940-41.


                  They Left Their Mark - Nettie Kroeker (1898)

                  Nettie Kroeker's biographical memoir describes the lives of frends and acquaintances. 


                    This is Morden and District - 1962

                    A short community history of Morden, Manitoba.
