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Stone Ted - The Story Behind Manitoba Place Names (1880)

This popular book tells the story of the names of many small towns and cities in Manitoba.


    Stonewall - Heritage Walking Tour

    A promotional brochure published by the Manitoba Historic Resources Branch promoting the heritage architecture of Stonewall, MB. 


      Storm, Gudrun Jonsdottir - Family History (1880)

      Gudrun Jonsdottir Storm was one of the few women in the settlement period to be granted a homestead. She and her family lived in the Grund district of Southern Manitoba.


        Storm, Gudrun Jonsdottir - Homestead Papers (1880)

        Gudrun Jonsdottir Storm was one of the few women who were granted Homesteads in Manitoba. These documents include some of the reports on her homestead application collected by the Homestead office.


          Story - Contractor Certificate - Ulyott and McGee

          A hand drawn certificate presented by Ulyott and McGee to the Story family after the construction of their fiarm house.


            Stott Mound and Camp Site - Archeology - Brandon

            Booklet published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

            Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


              Sun Dance at the Swan Lake First Nation 1922 (1922)

              A collection of photos including several taken during preparations for the 1922 Sun Dance Ceremony at Swan Lake First Nation in Southern Manitoba. Photos taken between 1922 and 1925. The photographer may have been teaching in the district at the time.


                Sunshine Highway 2024 Relic Run

                Brochure for the 2024 Sunshine Highway Relic Run.


                  Swan Lake First Nation - Gallo Report 1977

                  A report concerning the establishement of the Swan Lake First Nation Reserve in southern Manitoba.


                    Swan Lake Manitoba ca 1900 (1895)

                    A postcard photo of Swan Lake Manitoba ca 1900.


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