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Little White School House - Charyk

Stories of time spent in small rural schools.


    Lobb, Tom & Stella - Manitoba Agricultural Museum Memoir

    A memoir celebrating one of manitoba's farming families.


      Lord Dundonald's Removal from Office

      A collection of documents associated with Captain Andrew H. Bulger, first Governor of the Red River Colony, and his descendants.

      Watson Fond


        Louise Centennial - Ecumenical Service Program 1980

        A centennial document - R M of Louise.


          Louise Municipality Land Sale Brochure 1889 (1885)

          This brochure promoted the amenities, the lands and services, available in 1889 to those wishing to homestead and settle in what was then the Rural Municipality of Louise - including what is now the western half of Pembina Municipality


            Low A M - Engineering Opportunities

            A review of career options.


              Lumber Industry in Manitoba - Mid Century

              A collection of photographs of lumber industry scenes from many lumber camps around the province of Manitoba.

              Collection edited by Ed Ledohowski.


                Lumber Industry in Manitoba - Mid Century

                Photo collection featuring mid-century lumber mills and camps in Manitoba.


                  Lynch, Walter - Leader of the Lynch Party

                  Booklet published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

                  Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


                    MacEwan - Fifty Mighty Men

                    Biographies of early settlers.


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