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Manitou 1898 - List of Electors (1898)

A listing of the electors resident in Manitou in 1898.


    Manitou Board of Trade By-Laws 1927 (1927)

    Published in 1928 by the Manitou Western Canadian, this document constitutes the By-Laws of the Manitou Board of Trade.


      Manitou Booster Guide ca 1930 (1930)

      A pamphlet promoting the businesses of Manitou, published ca 1930.


        Manitou Cenotaph - Municipal Designation

        The Manitou Cenotaph in honour of the WWI veterans was the first such memorial erected in southern Manitoba. This document outlines its historical significance.


          Manitou Centennial and Homecoming 1997 Souvenir Program (1997)

          This souvenir program will give you a glimpse of the many events which took place during the 1997 Centennial Homecoming in Manitou, Manitoba.


            Manitou Centennial and Homecoming Program 1997 (1997)

            This pamphlet outlines the events to take place during the 1997 Centennial Homecoming celebrations in Manitou, Manitoba.


              Manitou Centennial Souvenir Program 1997 (1997)

              The Souvenir Program produced for the Manitou Centennial Celebrations held in 1997.


                Manitou Gas Co - 1903-1921 - Short History

                A history of Manitou's first lighting company.


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