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Kaleida School Closing Ceremonies 1965

Photos and documents describing the closing ceremonies of the Kaleida School held summer 1965.


    Kaleida School Documents and Receipts 1926 - 1948 (1926)

    A sample of documents ad receipts which address the business of managing the school.

    1926 - 1948


      Kaleida School Minutes 1902 - 1948 Part Two (1923)

      A record of the decisions and priorities of the Kaleida School Board of Trustees.


        Kaleida School Minutes 1902 to 1948 Part one (1902)

        Record of the decisions of the board of trustees of the Kaleida School District.


          Kaleida Womens Institute 1937 (1937)

          The program for a Womens Institute event held in Kaleida in 1937.


            Kildonan Presbyterian Church

            Booklet published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

            Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


              Killarney - Metis Scrip Claims

              Researched by Lawrence Barkwell, these are the Metis Scrip claims registered in the Killarney district.


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