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Browse Pembina Manitou Archive

Wilson, Sophia & J. J. - Photo collection

This family lived in the 'tin house' - well known in the district due to the use of tin siding. 


    Henderson's Directory - Winnipeg 1880

    A listing of Winnipeg Businesses in 1880.


      Shipley, Nan - Road to the Forks

      Nan Shipley's short history of Fort Garry.


        St Mary's Winram Memorial Anglican Church - Vestry Minutes p 1-30

        Vestry Minutes of the St Mary's William Winram Memorial Anglican Church in Kaleida MB.


          St Mary's Winram Memorial Anglican Church Vestry Minutes p 31-60

          The minutes of the St Mary's Winram Memorial Anglican Church in Kaleida Manitoba.


            St Mary's Winram Memorial Anglican Church - Vestry Minutes p 61-90

            Vestry minutes of the St Mary's Winram Memorial Anglican Church in Kaleida MB.


              St Mary's Winram Memorial Anglican Church - Vestry Minutes p 91-120

              The vestry minutes of the Winram Memorial Anglican Church at Kaleida, Manitoba.


                St Mary's Winram Memorial Anglican Church - Vestry Minutes p121-150

                The vestry minutes of the St Mary's Winram Memorial Anglican Church at Kaleida, Manitoba.


                  St Mary's Winram Memorial Anglican Church - Vestry Minutes p 151-192

                  The vestry minutes of the Winram Memorial Anglican Church at Kaleida, Manitoba.


                    Winram, Hon William - Kuehn

                    A short biography of Hon William Winram written by Felix Kuehn.
