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McClung, Nellie L. - Her Honour, Sir, Was not a Woman

An article discussing the Persons Case.


    McClung, Nellie L. - The Fighting Days - at the Manitou Opera House

    Reviews of the Winnipeg performance used as promotional material for the Manitou Show.


      McClung, Nellie L. - Farewell Address from the Citizens of Manitou - 1911

      A parchment Scroll in calligraphy indicating the gratitude of the Citizens of Manitou for the work of the McClungs during their time in the community. Presented to them at the time of their departure for Winnipeg in 1911.

      The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.


        LaRiviere - Postcard Collection 1907

        A C. P. R. Postcard collection celebrating LaRiviere, Manitoba.


          Manitoba 100 - Tribune Photo Collection July 14, 1970

          A collection of photos published by the Winnipeg Tribune in celebration of Manitoba's Centennial on July 14, 1970. This collection was part of a local scrapbook.


            Manitou - Step Back in Time

            A brochure featuring the architectural heritage of Manitou, Manitoba.


              Manitou Fraternal Organizations - The Coffin

              The discovery of an unusual artifact associated with the Loyal Orange Order.


                McClung, Nellie L. - Scrapbook Collection - 1942 Articles

                A scrapbook of McClung's syndicated articles from ca 1942, collected by a fan.


                  McClung, Nellie L. - Contest Reader

                  A collection of McClung's writings used by the Women's Christian Temperance Union during public speaking competitions.


                    Parker Charles C - McClung Drug Store employee and owner

                    Short biography of Manitou merchant Charles C Parker.
