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The Dirty Thirties

1930 - 1939

This was a time of poverty, of making do with what you had. Farms were less than productive and motorized vehicles were reconstructed to be pulled by horses - Bennett buggies.

Nellie McClung Collection

McClung, Nellie L. - VRBCA - Paul McClung (1900)

Articles found in Nellie McClung's scrapbooks concerning her son Paul. The scrapbooks are found in the MS0010 Nellie McClung Fond of the Royal British Columbia Archive.


    McClung, Nellie L. - VRBCA - Random Scrapbook Entries - Early Years (1896)

    Some of the clippings McClung chose to include in her scrapbooks defy categorization - many are poems.

    These scrapbooks are in the MS0010 Nellie McClung Fond at the Royal British Columbia Archive.


      McClung, Nellie L. - VRBCA - Random Scrapbook Entries 1933-1940 (1933)

      Some of the scrapbook entries which McClung included defy categorization - poems, short comments, ...

      These scrapbooks are in the MS0010 Nellie McClung Fond at the Roya British Columbia Archive.


        McClung, Nellie L. - VRBCA - Social Campaigns 1927-32 (1927)

        A collection of articles specific to temperance and other social issues which McClung collected in her scrapbooks. These are currently a part of the MS0010 Nellie McClung Fond at the Royal British Columbia Archive


          McClung, Nellie L. - VRBCA - Social Campaigns 1933-40 (1933)

          A collection of articles specific to temperance and other social issues which McClung collected in her scrapbooks. These are currently a part of the MS0010 Nellie McClung Fond at the Royal British Columbia Archive


            McClung, Nellie L. - VRBCA - Syndicated Articles - 1937-1939 (1937)

            A collection of McClung's syndicated articles on numerous current issues which McClung collected in her scrapbooks. These are currently a part of the MS0010 Nellie McClung Fond at the Royal British Columbia Archive


              McClung, Nellie L. - VRBCA - The Broken Body

              The beginning of a story.

              The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.


                McClung, Nellie L. - VRBCA - The Stream Runs Fast (1908)

                Articles and reviews of Nellie McClung's second autobiography, 'The Stream Runs Fast'. These articles were collected in Nellie's scrapbooks and are currently in the MS0010 Nellie McClung Fond in the Royal Britisch Columbia Archive.


                  McClung, Nellie L. - VRBCA - Three Times and Out (1930)

                  Press clippings of reviews of McClung's 'Three Times and Out' collected in her scrapbooks. The scrapbooks form part of the MS0010 Nellie McClung Fond at the Royal British Columbia Archive.


                    McClung, Nellie L. - VRBCA - Wes McClung (1938)

                    Articles regarding Wes McClung's career and retirement which McClung collected in her scrapbooks. These are currently a part of the MS0010 Nellie McClung Fond at the Royal British Columbia Archive


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