1930 - 1939
This was a time of poverty, of making do with what you had. Farms were less than productive and motorized vehicles were reconstructed to be pulled by horses - Bennett buggies.
Selections from Nellie McClung's "The Second Chance" for use by participants in WCTU speaking competitions.
An article for publication.
The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.
Part of a speech on authors and their works.
The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.
An article for publication.
The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.
McClung wrote many first drafts of her articles and stories in scribblers. Some scribblers hold partial drafts of several stories. On occasion, McClung would write only on the right side of the page, then turn the scribbler over and write another story starting from the back of the scribbler; thus having two stories on subsequent pages, up side down from each other. We have tried to sort stories into their own linear narrative.
The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.
McClung describes scenes seen from an airplane window.
The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.
May indicate persons wishing to invite McClung to speak.
The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.
Parts of several speeches on various topics.
The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.
A day book with a few notes in it.
The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.
Comments on events taking place during her time in Switzerland representing Canada to the League of Nations.
The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.