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The Dirty Thirties

1930 - 1939

This was a time of poverty, of making do with what you had. Farms were less than productive and motorized vehicles were reconstructed to be pulled by horses - Bennett buggies.

Nellie McClung Collection

McClung, Nellie L. - VRBCA - Flowers for the Living (1920)

Articles found in Nellie McClung's scrapbooks concerning the publication of 'Flowers for the Living'. The scrapbooks are found in the MS0010 Nellie McClung Fond of the Royal British Columbia Archive.


    McClung, Nellie L. - VRBCA - Glen McClung (1930)

    Articles found in Nellie McClung's scrapbooks concerning her nephew Glen. The scrapbooks are found in the MS0010 Nellie McClung Fond of the Royal British Columbia Archive.


      McClung, Nellie L. - VRBCA - Horace McClung (1900)

      Articles found in Nellie McClung's scrapbooks concerning her son Horace. The scrapbooks are found in the MS0010 Nellie McClung Fond of the Royal British Columbia Archive.


        McClung, Nellie L. - VRBCA - Jack McClung (1896)

        Articles found in Nellie McClung's scrapbooks concerning her son Jack. The scrapbooks are found in the MS0010 Nellie McClung Fond of the Royal British Columbia Archive.


          McClung, Nellie L. - VRBCA - Journey to the American Southwest

          Daily journal from the tour.

          The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.


            McClung, Nellie L. - VRBCA - League of Nations (1935)

            Articles, written about or during tMcClung's time with the League of Nations, found in Nellie McClung's scrapbooks. The scrapbooks are found in the MS0010 Nellie McClung Fond of the Royal British Columbia Archive.


              McClung, Nellie L. - VRBCA - Leaves from Lantern Lane (1936)

              Articles and news clippings, concerning 'Leaves from Lantern Lane', found in Nellie McClung's scrapbooks. The scrapbooks are found in the MS0010 Nellie McClung Fond of the Royal British Columbia Archive.


                McClung, Nellie L. - VRBCA - Loyal Orange Order

                Articles, concerning McClung's uneasy relationship with the Loyal Orange Order, found in Nellie McClung's scrapbooks. The scrapbooks are found in the MS0010 Nellie McClung Fond of the Royal British Columbia Archive.


                  McClung, Nellie L. - VRBCA - Mark McClung (1911)

                  Articles found in Nellie McClung's scrapbooks concerning her son, Mark. The scrapbooks are found in the MS0010 Nellie McClung Fond of the Royal British Columbia Archive.


                    McClung, Nellie L. - VRBCA - More Leaves from Lantern Lane (1937)

                    Adticles and reviews of Nellie McClung's 'More Leaves from Lantern Lane' found in her scrapbooks. These scrapbooks are in the MS0010 Nellie McClung Fond at the Royal British Columbia Archive.


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