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The Dirty Thirties

1930 - 1939

This was a time of poverty, of making do with what you had. Farms were less than productive and motorized vehicles were reconstructed to be pulled by horses - Bennett buggies.

Community Histories

McKenzie Photos - Buchanan, Cousins, Vodden (1880)

This collection of photos focuses on cummunity life with emhasis on the McKenzie district Church and School. It also includes photos of the McKenzie Cemetery.


    McKenzie School District Account Book 1883 - 1948 (1883)

    Hand written minutes and accounts describing the business of running a rural school.


      McKenzie School Minute Book - 1933-1962 (1933)

      Record of the management of the McKenzie School District.


        McKenzie School Minute Book 1882-1932 (1882)

        A record of the governance of a rural school, McKenzie School, through its minutes and selected documents.


          McLean, Charles D - Kaleida Memories (1880)

          Written in 1967, ths is a short memoir describing his life in the Kaleida district.


            Memories of Dry River by May Graham (1880)

            A short history of the Dry River District north of Rock Lake in Southern Manitoba.


              Men Against the Desert - James H Gray

              A history of the prairies during the 1930s.


                Mennonite Settlement in Manitoba - English

                Booklet published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

                Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


                  Mennonite Settlements of Southern Manitoba (1880)

                  A survey history of the development of the Mennonite settlements in the East and West Mennonite Reserves in Southern Manitoba, written by John H Warkentin.


                    Metis - Julia Harrison

                    A history of the Metis people of Red River.


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