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The Dirty Thirties

1930 - 1939

This was a time of poverty, of making do with what you had. Farms were less than productive and motorized vehicles were reconstructed to be pulled by horses - Bennett buggies.

Community Histories

Our Lady of the Prairies - St. Norbert

Booklet published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


    Overdale School District #582 - List of Students

    Overdale School District #582 was in Pembina Municipality in Southern Manitoba. This is a listing of the known teachers and students recorded in the school's records.


      Pére J. Brachet Photo Album – Pine Creek Mission, Camperville, Manitoba

      A personal photo collection created by Pere J. Brachet featuring people, events and palces near Camperville Manitoba in the early part of the 20th century.


        Pembina Manitou 100th Anniversary and Reunion - 1979 Commemorative History (1880)

        This short community history was compiled to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Pembina Manitou district.


          Pembina Threshermen's Museum - Partnerships with Museums 2020

          This monograph is intended to highlight the museum's collection, pointing out some of its more unique components. It was published by the Pembina Manitou Archive and the Boundary Trail National Heritage Region as part of the Partnerships with Museums 2020 project. 

          Financial support was provided by the Government of Manitoba.


            People and Progress - the Co-op Story (1880)

            Don Slimmon's history of the development of the co-op movement in Manitoba celebrates the cooperation and hope of the pioneers.


              Physical & Cultural Geography of the McKenzie District MB (1880)

              Dennis Windsor's Physical & Cultural History of the McKenzie District  and 2-9W in Southern Manitoba.


                Pilot Mound & District Reunion 1964 - Community History (1880)

                This short history of the community was created for the District Reunion in 1964.


                  Pilot Mound Reunion 1954

                  A booklet prepared for distribution at the 1954 Anniversary Reunion.


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