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The Dirty Thirties

1930 - 1939

This was a time of poverty, of making do with what you had. Farms were less than productive and motorized vehicles were reconstructed to be pulled by horses - Bennett buggies.

Community Histories

Jon Kristjan Reykdal and Sigurborg Petursson - Their Story (1880)

A description of their ancestry and of their family's life together.


    Jordan, Muriel ne Jacobs - Biography

    Personal reflections and memories of life in the Darlingford community.


      Jordans - Westward from Ireland (1880)

      This document traces the descendants of one family of immigrants from County May in Ireland to Canada.


        Journey Through the Years at Chesterville 1884 - 1966 (1884)

        A community history of the Chesterville district in the Municipality of Roblin in Southern Manitoba.


          Kaleida School Documents and Receipts 1926 - 1948 (1926)

          A sample of documents ad receipts which address the business of managing the school.

          1926 - 1948


            Kaleida School Minutes 1902 - 1948 Part Two (1923)

            A record of the decisions and priorities of the Kaleida School Board of Trustees.


              Kaleida Womens Institute 1937 (1937)

              The program for a Womens Institute event held in Kaleida in 1937.


                Keen, Emanuel 'Mac' - My Memories

                Memories of a member of the Darlingford community.


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