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The Dirty Thirties

1930 - 1939

This was a time of poverty, of making do with what you had. Farms were less than productive and motorized vehicles were reconstructed to be pulled by horses - Bennett buggies.

Community Histories

Emmanual Baptist Church, Morris MB - 1896-1996

A history of the church community.


    Fargey, Isabella - Memories of Other Days - LaRiviere Memoir (1880)

    A short memoir of early 20th century LaRiviere with a collection of period photos.


      Farming at Fairbrook (1880)

      This collection of Lea Family photographs indicates how farming practices, and especially machinery, has changed over the past hundred years.


      Fond: Lea Family
        Floral School 1884-1966 - A History

        A history of the school and community.


          From Wooden Ploughs to Welfare - Helen Buckley

          A history of the experience of prairie indigenous first nations in making the tansition from a buffalo based economy to a settler/colonial economy.


            Geographical Study of 2-9W - McKenzie District (1880)

            A research study of the McKenzie District Southern Manitoba and district written by Dennis Windsor.


              Gnadenthal 1880-1980 (1880)

              This community history, published by the Gnadenthal History Church Committee, J P Redekopp chair, celebrates the community of Gnadenthal Manitoba, one of the communities in the Manitoba Mennonite West Reserve.


                Gosselin Generations - the Elders (1880)

                A historical memoir of the Gosselins, one of Manitoba's Métis families. The family lived in the Red River district, in the Rock Lake district before disbursing throughout Manitoba and Saskatchewan.



                  Government House - Winnipeg - English

                  Booklet published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

                  Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


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