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1960 to Present

1960 - 2012

Within most of our lifetimes.

Business & Public Affairs

NMC Grad Program 1977 (1977)

A sample grad programme from the Graduation Ceremony at Nellie McClung Collegiate in Manitou, 1977.


    No End of Grief - Indian Residential Schools in Canada - Agnes Grant

    A history of the legacy of the Indian Residential Schools in Canada.


      NWMP-RCMP - Statue Dedication - Program 1995 (1995)

      Program for the dedication of the statue in Emerson, Manitoba.


        Parkland Fashions - Promotional Flyer (1960)

        A promotional flyer produced in 1964 to promote the Parklane Fashions womens' clothing and accessories business in Manitou.


          Pembina Consumer's Co-operative - Grocery Store Opening 1961 (1961)

          A speech given at the opening of the Co-operative grocery store in 1961.


            Pembina Crossing - A Guide to the Trails

            A Pamphlet history of the Pembina Crossing Settlement and Trails


              Pembina Manitou - the Place to Be (2000)

              A promotional booklet outlining the business and cultural opportunities available in the Pembina Manitou area circa 2007. This document was prepared by the Pembina Manitou Community Development Corporation.


                Pembina Manitou Health Care Centre - History to ca 1997

                An article written for the community history project.


                  Pembina Parish - United Church of Canada - Membership List 1980 (1985)

                  Membership list from Zion United Church in Darlingford.


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