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1960 to Present

1960 - 2012

Within most of our lifetimes.

Business & Public Affairs

Snowflake Customs Office - Centennial 2008

A short history of the port of entry.


    Spirit of Yesteryear - Montana - 1973

    Proceedings of a Montana steam tractor organization.


      St Andrew's United Church - LaRiviere - Centennial Bulletin

      The bulletin and program prepared for this centennial celebration.


        St Andrew's United Church, Manitou MB - The Story of My Church - 1965 (1925)

        A short history booklet celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the St Andrew's United Church in Manitou, Manitoba written by the 1965 Explorer Group.


          St Leon - Wind Farm

          Photos and information on the development of the wind farm near St Leon.


            St Luke's Pembina Crossing Anglican Church - Vestry Books (1880)

            Records of St Luke's Anglican Church at Pembina Criossing in southern Manitoba.


              St Mary's Anglican Church - Kaleida - 75th Anniversary 1967 (1892)

              A collection of documents and photographs collected in association with the 75th Anniversary Celebrations of St Mary's in 1967


                St. Andrew's La Riviere Methodist Church History - 1975

                A hand writen history by Isabella Fargey.


                  St. Mary's and St. Luke's - brochure

                  Short history brochure for both churches, St. Mary's Kaleida and St. Luke's Pembina Crossing.


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