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1960 to Present

1960 - 2012

Within most of our lifetimes.

Business & Public Affairs

Manitou Rodeo Program 1963 (1960)

Document prepared in conjunction with the 1963 Manitou Rodeo.


    Manitou Scrapbook - 1975-1985

    Selected articles from the Western Canadian show the interests of the collector.


      McClung, Nellie L. - Elsie McLachlan's Mock Parliament Memories (1910)

      Published in the Victoria Times Colonist, this reminiscence by a niece of Nellie McClung recalls her experience of hearing Nellie McClung in her role as Premier Roblin during the Mock Parliament performance at the Walker Theatre.


        McClung, Nellie L. - Graded School Curricula - McClung & McDowell

        Grade by grade material on Nellie McClung corresponding to the Manitoba curriculum documents.


          McClung, Nellie L. - House Move 1967 (1967)

          A captioned photo from the Manitou Western Canadian documenting the move of the McClung house from Manitou to LaRiviere in 1967.


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