1960 - 2012
Within most of our lifetimes.
A news article on women's suffrage then and now.
Published in the Victoria Times Colonist, this reminiscence by a niece of Nellie McClung recalls her experience of hearing Nellie McClung in her role as Premier Roblin during the Mock Parliament performance at the Walker Theatre.
A news article on women's issues.
A news article on Women's issues.
Grade by grade material on Nellie McClung corresponding to the Manitoba curriculum documents.
A captioned photo from the Manitou Western Canadian documenting the move of the McClung house from Manitou to LaRiviere in 1967.
An article from the Brandon Sun documenting Nellie McClung's election to the Manitoba Agricultural Hall of Fame.
This article recognizes the importance of the restoration and preservation work undertaken by the Wallcraft Family in order to preserve the Hasselfield Log House and the McClung House. The article includes photos and several brochures produced for distribution to visitors to the houses while they were at the Museum.