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1960 to Present

1960 - 2012

Within most of our lifetimes.

Business & Public Affairs

Fort Dufferin - Feasibility Study

A report on the restroation of the Fort Dufferin site in Southern Manitoba.


    Fort Dufferin - National Historic Site

    A history of the development and restoration of the Fort Dufferiun site in southern Manitoba.


      Government House - Winnipeg - English

      Booklet published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

      Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


        Government House - Winnipeg - French

        Booklet published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

        Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


          Grain - Thje Entrepreneurs - Charles W. Anderson

          A history of the agricultural sector.


            Greenway Cairn Dedication - 1975

            Commemorating the pioneers of the Greenway district in southern Manitoba.


              Hall, A. E. (Bert) - A Memoir

              Bert Hall played an important part in the development of Manitou over several decades.


                Hasselfield Log House - Archibald Commentary

                A commentary outlining the history of the Hasselfield Log House probably prepared for the summer staff at the Archibald Historical Museum.


                  Historic Park at Lake Minnewasta Under Review - Adolph Dack

                  An article published to promote the creation of a park in association with Lake Minnewasta near Morden MB.


                    History of Electric Power in Manitoba

                    Describes the development of the electrical power grid in Manitoba.


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