Built on a site south of the rail line, replacing the former site of Manitoba City.
An educational resource on woman suffrage.
A news article on women's equality rights.
Booklet published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.
Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.
Published for use in the Manitou Methodist Church in the period from 1896 to 1899, When the Rev J W Bell was serving the Manitou Community.
The 1922 order of service prepared for Mothers' Day by the United Church.
A survey of the architectural heritage of the Morden-Stanley-Thompson-Winkler Planning District of southern Manitoba,
A summary of the impending move of the McClung Houses from the Archibald Historical Museum site to Manitou.
This monograph is intended to highlight the museum's collection, pointing out some of its more unique components. It was published by the Pembina Manitou Archive and the Boundary Trail National Heritage Region as part of the Partnerships with Museums 2020 project.
Financial support was provided by the Government of Manitoba.
It is for sale from the PMA by contacting pembinamanitouarchive@gmail.com.
Price $25
Shipping and Handling $15.
A sample grad programme from the Graduation Ceremony at Nellie McClung Collegiate in Manitou, 1977.
A commemorative card in honour of the graduates of the Manitou Normal School, class of 1906.