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Built on a site south of the rail line, replacing the former site of Manitoba City.

Community Histories

McClung, Nellie L. - Charles Oke Reminiscences

Charles Oke's reminiscences of Nellie McClung as published in the Western Producer.


    McClung, Nellie L. - Division School Here to Use Nellie McClung Name

    News article announcing the naming of the high school in Manitou, ca 1963.


      McClung, Nellie L. - Elsie McLachlan's Mock Parliament Memories (1910)

      Published in the Victoria Times Colonist, this reminiscence by a niece of Nellie McClung recalls her experience of hearing Nellie McClung in her role as Premier Roblin during the Mock Parliament performance at the Walker Theatre.


        McClung, Nellie L. - Graded School Curricula - McClung & McDowell

        Grade by grade material on Nellie McClung corresponding to the Manitoba curriculum documents.


          McClung, Nellie L. - her Wedding Gown (1896)

          An article from the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix concerning the gown McClung wore at her wedding in 1896. 


            McClung, Nellie L. - Historic Resources Branch 1985 (1880)

            A revision of the 1981 pamphlet documenting the life and legacy of Nellie McClung prepared by the Historic Resources Branch in 1985.


              McClung, Nellie L. - Historical Resources Branch 1981 (1880)

              A pamphlet on the life and legacy of Nellie McClung prepared by the Historical Resources Branch in 1981.


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