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Built on a site south of the rail line, replacing the former site of Manitoba City.

Community Histories

Manitou's La Verendrye Stone

The story of the misinterpretation of a fake stone signature created by a young Manitou citizen.


    Manitou's Notable People - by Bette Mueller (1880)

    A survey collection of short biographies of some of the many people who have influenced the lives of the people of the Manitou community, researched and compiled by Bette Mueller.


      McClung, Nellie L. - An Anecdotal Timeline - by Bette Mueller

      An educational support document outlining important events in McClung's life.


        McClung, Nellie L. - Article re McClung biographer Candace Savage

        A short article about McClung biographer Candace Savage.


          McClung, Nellie L. - Bob Chalmers Reminiscences (1899)

          Bob Chalmers grew up across the lane from the McClung family and was one of the young people whom Nellie McClung immortalized in her book 'Sowing Seeds In Danny'. This document contains some of his memories of those days of his childhood.


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