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Browse Manitoba Histories

Staging a Heritage Celebration

A document published by the Manitoba Historic Resources Branch.


    Stone Age on the Prairies - W. J. Orchard

    Archeological research on the prairies.


      Stone Ted - The Story Behind Manitoba Place Names (1880)

      This popular book tells the story of the names of many small towns and cities in Manitoba.


        Syrup Pails & Gopher Tails - Memories of the one-Room School House - Charyk

        Memoirs of experiences in the one room schools of Manitoba.


          Tales and Trails of Western Canada - Macvivar & Craig

          A history of Western Canada through short articles and notes.


            Tennant, J. F. - A Tour Through the Turtle Mountain District - 1880

            Tennant's diaries of his journey from Emerson to the Turtle Mountain district of Manitoba.


              Tennant, Joseph F. - Letters from a Journey to the Turtle Mountains - 1882

              Letters written by Tennant and published in the Emerson International.


                Tennant, Joseph F. - Rough Times 1870-1920

                Tennant's autobiographical memoir of his time in Southern Manitoba.


                  The Canadian Indian - Symington

                  A history written in the 1970s which contains some of the biases of the period.


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