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Browse Manitoba Histories

Patrons of Industry in Manitoba - 1890-1898

Brian McCutcheon's 1965 article for the MHS Transactions. It details the growth of the Farmers' Movement in Manitoba.


    Pére J. Brachet Photo Album – Pine Creek Mission, Camperville, Manitoba

    A personal photo collection created by Pere J. Brachet featuring people, events and palces near Camperville Manitoba in the early part of the 20th century.


      People of the Plains - Amelia M Paget

      An ethnographic survey of the prairies.


        Pioneer Years 1895- 1914 - Barry Broadfoot

        A history of setler/colonial expansion on the prairies.


          Pioneers and Prominent People of Manitoba - 1925

          Short biographies of Manitoba citizens from 1925.


            Post Road and Early Trails - Manitoba (1880)

            A map showing many of the early trails used by the first inhabitants of the Province.


              Prairie Churches and Icons 2003-2008

              Final Report for the J. M. Kaplan Fund, the Thomas Sill Foundation and the Province of Manitoba



                Prince Maximilian's Expedition - 1833-34 - Life amoing the Plains Indian in their Final Years of Glory

                A European perspectiver on the lives and culture of North American First Nations - 1834.


                  Public School Buildings of Manitoba - A History

                  Document published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.
                  Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


                    Rails Across the Prairies - Ron Brown

                    A history of the railways on the Canadian Prairies.


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