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Browse Manitoba Histories

Heritage of the Southwest

A heritage brochure published by the Manitoba HIstoric Resources Branch  promoting Southwestern Manitoba.


    Heritage Resources of the Interlake

    A 1995 document published by the Manitoba Historic Resources Branch.


      Heritage Resources of the South Riding Mountain Planning District Pt 1

      A 1980 document published by Manitoba Historic Resources written by Ed Ledohowski.


        Heritage Resources of the South Riding Mountain Planning District Pt 2

        A 1980 document published by the Manitoba Historic Resources Branch and written by Ed Ledohowski.


          Hime H L - Photographer - Hind Expedition (1858)

          The collection of photographs taken by H. L. Hime during the summer of 1858 while in service of the Hind Expedition to Red River, Manitoba and Assiniboia.


            Hind Expedition to Red River, Manitoba and Assiniboia 1858 - Map (1858)

            A map outlining the route of the Hind Expedition on its tour through Red River, Manitoba, and Assiniboia in 1858.


              Historic 49th - Turner - RCMP Quarterly

              A historical review in words and photos of the journey of the Boundary Commission.



                Historical Atlas of Manitoba

                Table of Contents and Preface

                by John Warkentin and Richard I. Ruggles

                Page by page high definition files of the atlas, as well as chapter by chapter versions, are available in this collection.


                  History of Manitoba - by Robert B. Hill - 1890 - Ch 1-5 (1890)

                  HIll was a resident of Portage la Prairie when he wrote this early history of the province.


                    History of Manitoba - by Robert B. Hill 1890 - Ch 12-14 (1890)

                    Hill was a resident of Portage la Prairie when he wrote this early history of the province.


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