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Browse Manitoba Histories

Canada 100 - 1867-1967

A history written for Canada's 100th.


    Canada 100 - 1867-1967

    A history of Canada written to celebrate the 1967 Centennial.


      Canada 1812 - 1871 The Formative Years

      This booklet, originally published by Imperial Oil, provides an understanding of the culture of Southern Ontario in the 19th Century. Many of the original settlers of the Pembina Manitou District came from Southern Ontario in the 1880's.


        Captain Andrew H. Bulger - Memoir and Related Documents

        A monograph based on the Ron Watson fond, these documents are from the collection of the Bulger Family and relate to the affairs of several generations.


          Chapais T - The Great Intendant

          Early Canadian History.


            Charyk J C - Those Bittersweet Schooldays

            Memories of the one room school house.


              Church Buildings of Manitoba

              A 1987 document published by Manitoba HIstoric Resources and written by Neil Bingham.


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