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Manitou Normal School Closing Entertainment 1931 (1930)

The program for the 1931 Closing Entertainment in recognition of the graduating class of the Normal School.


    Manitou Old Timers Reunion - Winnipeg 1922 (1922)

    Gathering to renew old acquaintances, these former Manitou citizens celebrated in June 1922 in Kildonan Park in Winnipeg.

    A reference to this gathering can be found in the june 22, 1922 issue of the Manitou Western Canadian.


      Manitou Old Timers Reunion - Winnipeg 1923 (1923)

      Many former Manitou residents moved on to other communities, many of them to Winnipeg where they, for many years gathered every summer to renew acquaintances.


        Manitou Old Timers Reunion Picnic - Winnipeg 1961 (1961)

        A gathering of former residents of Manitou in Winnipeg - 1961.


          Manitou Opera House Accessibility Project - Opening Ceremony Program (2014)

          The program from the Accessibility Project Grand Opening.


            Manitou Opera House - A History (1880)

            Contains a collection of news articles and posters concerning a hundred years of performances at Manitou's Opera Houses.


              Manitou Opera House - Manitoba Centennial Service Programme 1970 (1970)

              The order of service of this celebration of the Manitoba Centennial held at the Manitou Opera House in 1970.


                Manitou Opera House 1930 - Architectural Drawings (1930)

                The Manitou Opera House was designed by G F Magee and built by Blackburn Construction of Pilot Mound Manitoba in 1930.


                  Manitou Opera House 1930 - Blueprints (1930)

                  These blueprints were prepared by a former Manitou carpenter, Gordon Mcgee in preparation for the construction of the Manitou Opera House after the January 1930 fire destroyed the original boilding.


                    Manitou Opera House 2015 - Blueprints (2014)

                    Designed by Steckley and Associates of Winkler, with much help from the Manitou Opera House Foundation, these drawings reflect the intent of the Foundation - to ensure the new building complemented the original design of the Manitou Opera House.


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