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Manitoba City - Evolution of a Town - Partnerships with Museums 2021 (1880)

This monograph is intended to highlight the Pembina Manitou Archive's physical collection, pointing out some of its more unique components. It was published by the Pembina Manitou Archive and the Boundary Trail National Heritage Region as part of the Partnerships with Museums 2021 project. 

Financial support was provided by the Government of Manitoba.

It is for sale from the PMA by contacting

Price $25

Shipping and Handling $15.


    Manitoba City - Photos (1880)

    A collection of photos taken in Manitoba City - just north of the current site of Manitou - ca 1880.


      Manitoba City's First School Teacher (1880)

      A short biorgraphy of Leonard Wilson, Manitobacity's first school teacher.


        Manitoba Crops - R. Whiteman

        A summary of the crops grown on Manitoba farms in the 1950-60s. This pamphlet was published for students by the Manitoba Pool Elevators.


          Manitoba Mounted Rifles - 18th Snowflake MB

          Selection of photos and documents associated with the Manitoba Mounted Rifles contingents who served in the Pembina Manitou district.


            Manitoba Pool Elevators - Manitou Glee Club Program (1955)

            The Manitou Glee Club entertained at a Manitoba Pool Elevators concerence in 1959. This is the commemorative program created for the event.


              Manitoba Prehistory

              Booklet published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

              Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


                Manitoba Senior Baseball League - 1971 Scrapbook - pt. 1 (1970)

                A collection of articles featuring the teams and players of the 1971 season.


                  Manitoba Senior Baseball League - Baseball Rules 1967 (1968)

                  The League's baseball rule book for the 1967 season.


                    Manitoba Senior Baseball League - Scrapbook 1968 (1968)

                    A collection of news articles featuring the teams and players of the 1968 season.


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