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Metis Nation

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Including documents reflecting the lives of the Metis Peoples of the Prairies.

Community Histories

Pembina - Metis Scrip Claims

Metis Scrip Claims associated with the Pembina District near Fort Pembina in North Dakota.


    Pembina Metis Community

    A short history of the Metis families associated with Fort Pembina.


      Pilot Mound - A Brief History

      A summary of historical and legendary information regarding the Pilot Mound.


        Pine Fort

        Booklet published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

        Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


          Rock Lake - Metis Scrip Claims (1880)

          A listing of the Metis claimants to scrip lands in the district surrounding Rock Lake, Manitoba.


            Sakota Fortified Camps of the Portage Plains

            Booklet published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

            Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


              The Metis of Willow Bunch

              Written by Ron Rivard and Catherine Littlejohn, this book tells the story of the Métis families who started out in the Red River district, then moved west to Rock Lake and eventually to Willow Bunch, Saskatchewan.



                Women of the Metis Nation - Conway

                A focus on Metis women and their roles in the Settlement Period.


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