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Metis Nation

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Including documents reflecting the lives of the Metis Peoples of the Prairies.

Community Histories

Conway Mary - Beginning of the Metigoshe Community

Mary Conway's history of the Metis community iat Metigoshe in southwest Manitoba.


    Conway Mary - Sash Maker Helps Preserve Cultural Knowledge

    A news article featuring Mary Conway's work with the Metis community.


      Cummins - Manitoba Township Maps 1923 - Metis Settlement at Rock Lake

      A map of the district around Neelin Manitoba where several Metis families settled in the 1880s.


        Elkhorn - Washakada Indian Home

        A memoir describing life at the residential school in Elkhorn, Manitoba.


          Fort Pembina

          A short history of the forts erected at the mouth of the Pembina River on thr Red River.


            From Wooden Ploughs to Welfare - Helen Buckley

            A history of the experience of prairie indigenous first nations in making the tansition from a buffalo based economy to a settler/colonial economy.


              Fur Trade in the Scratching River Region

              The fur trade in the Morris, Manitoba district.


                Gosselin Generations - the Elders (1880)

                A historical memoir of the Gosselins, one of Manitoba's Métis families. The family lived in the Red River district, in the Rock Lake district before disbursing throughout Manitoba and Saskatchewan.



                  Grant, Agnes - No End of Grief - Indian Residential Schools in Canada (1880)

                  An account addressing the experiences of First Nations children in the residential schools.


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