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The Twenties

1918 - 1929

Post first war mechanization and the modernization of farming.

Agricultural Topics

John Deere of Canada - A History

A historical review of the John Deere Corporation.


    Johns Family - This Business of Farming (1900)

    A collection of documents and photos, spanning a century, which emphasize the process of building and paying for a grain elevator on the family farm in 1908.


      Land Sales and Purchases 2 -W H Sharpe (1880)

      A collection of legal atreements on leas and purcuase of land from the files of Senator W H Sharpe.


        MacKinnon, Rev. John - Diary and Papers

        Diary and papers on one of the early ministers in the Wood Bay district.


          Manitoba Corn-drying Plant - Winkler

          A news article describes the first such plant in Manitoba.


            Old Time Agriculture in the Ads

            A look at settlement period agriculture through advertisements found in period publications.


              Options & Arbitrage - Nelson - 1904

              Policies regarding Grain Exchange management.


                Service at Cost - Manitoba Pool Elevators - 1925-75

                A history of the Co-operative movement in Manitoba.


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