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The Twenties

1918 - 1929

Post first war mechanization and the modernization of farming.

Agricultural Topics

Grain - Thje Entrepreneurs - Charles W. Anderson

A history of the agricultural sector.


    Grain Elevators of Manitoba - 1 History

    Document published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

    Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


      Grain Elevators of Manitoba - 2 Inventory

      Document published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

      Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


        Grain Harvesters - Quick & Buchele

        A history of farm machinery.


          Grain Trade during the War - Surface - 1927

          Surface reviews aspects of grain marketing and support of the forces serving in Europe during the First World War.


            History of Electric Power in Manitoba

            Describes the development of the electrical power grid in Manitoba.


              Investment & Speculation - Guenther

              advice for investors


                John Deere - Two Cylinder Tractors - Michael Williams (1900)

                A photographic review of the history of two-cylinder John Deere tractors.


                  John Deere Jubilee - A Historical Overview

                  A history of the John Deere Corporation's history.


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