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The Twenties

1918 - 1929

Post first war mechanization and the modernization of farming.

Business & Public Affairs

United Grain Growers Local 225 - History

A short history of the Manitou local of the United Grain Growers Association.


    Voter's List - Pembina Municipality - 1924 (1917)

    This list of voters includes both men and women - women received the right to vote less than a decade earlier.


      Voth Family and Business History (1920)

      This scrapbook describes the Voth family history, of their coming to Canada, and of settling in the Manitou district. It also provides a summary of their business ventures in the district.


        Winkler - A Proud Heritage - 75th - pt 2

        A community history.


          Winkler, Howard W - Papers

          A collection of documents from the archive of Howard W. Winkler.


            Wood Louis Aubrey - A History of Farmers' Movements in Canada - 1872-1924

            A history of the Famrers' Movements in Western Canada to 1925.


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