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The Twenties

1918 - 1929

Post first war mechanization and the modernization of farming.

Business & Public Affairs

Our Lady of the Prairies - St. Norbert

Booklet published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


    Parker Charles C - McClung Drug Store employee and owner

    Short biography of Manitou merchant Charles C Parker.


      Parker William A - Jeweler - Manitou Merchant

      A short biography of a Manitou merchant.


        Pembina - Manitou 50th Anniversary - Order of Service Program - 30 June 1929 (1929)

        The order of service for the church service held in honour of the Pembina Manitou 50th celebrations.


          Pembina Crossing - Oil and Gas Exploration (1880)

          A history of the different exploration projects which took place in the early 1900s in the Pembina Crossing district.


            Physical & Cultural Geography of the McKenzie District MB (1880)

            Dennis Windsor's Physical & Cultural History of the McKenzie District  and 2-9W in Southern Manitoba.


              Pioneers and Prominent People of Manitoba - 1925

              Short biographies of Manitoba citizens from 1925.


                Plum Coulee Prairie View Elevator Museum - Partnerships with Museums 2021 (1880)

                This monograph is intended to highlight the museum's collection, pointing out some of its more unique components. It was published by the Pembina Manitou Archive and the Boundary Trail National Heritage Region as part of the Partnerships with Museums 2021 project. 

                Financial support was provided by the Government of Manitoba.


                  Portage Mutual Insurance Co. - A Century of Service - 1884-1984

                  A commemorative history of the company.


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