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The Twenties

1918 - 1929

Post first war mechanization and the modernization of farming.

Business & Public Affairs

Manitou Old Timers Reunion - Winnipeg 1923 (1923)

Many former Manitou residents moved on to other communities, many of them to Winnipeg where they, for many years gathered every summer to renew acquaintances.


    Manitou Opera House - A History (1880)

    Contains a collection of news articles and posters concerning a hundred years of performances at Manitou's Opera Houses.


      Manitou Parade - July 1, 1920 (1920)

      Photos by Ida Handford taken on Main Street Manitou, July 1, 1920.


        Manitou's Gas House (1906)

        Lorne Thompson's report on the Manitou Gas House, which provided lighting to the homes and businesses of the community from 1906 to 1928, contains illustrations and photograph of the machinery used to produce the acetylene gas. The Gas House itself is one of Manitou's heritage buildings.


          Manitou's Notable People - by Bette Mueller (1880)

          A survey collection of short biographies of some of the many people who have influenced the lives of the people of the Manitou community, researched and compiled by Bette Mueller.


            McClung, Nellie L. - Anecdotal Time Line and other sources

            A collection of educational sources including a timeline of events in the  life of Nellie L. McClung.


              McClung, Nellie L. - Historic Resources Branch 1985 (1880)

              A revision of the 1981 pamphlet documenting the life and legacy of Nellie McClung prepared by the Historic Resources Branch in 1985.


                McClung, Nellie L. - Historical Resources Branch 1981 (1880)

                A pamphlet on the life and legacy of Nellie McClung prepared by the Historical Resources Branch in 1981.


                  McClung, Nellie L. - McClung Articles - Bette Mueller (1880)

                  This short series of articles, written by Bette Mueller for the Manitou Western Canadian in 2015-16 were published in commemoration of the centennial of women receiving the right to vote in Manitoba.


                    McClung, Nellie L. - Ottawa Citizen & United Church Observer (1880)

                    Article text and a collection of quotations prepared by the Archibald Historical Museum for use by the Ottawa Citizen and the United Church Observer in recognition of the Centennial of Nellie McClung's birth in 1973.


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