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The Dirty Thirties

1930 - 1939

This was a time of poverty, of making do with what you had. Farms were less than productive and motorized vehicles were reconstructed to be pulled by horses - Bennett buggies.

Memoirs & Memories

Bird, Dorothy - Memories (1920)

One of a series of interviews of Manitou community elders compiled by Bette Mueller.

This one features Dorothy Bird.


    Brick, Myrtle - Memories (1920)

    One of a series of interviews of Manitou community elders compiled by Bette Mueller.

    This one features Myrtle Brick.


      Buchanan Collection - This Business of Farming - Part 2 (1925)

      A collection of documents concerning the Buchanan farming operation from the 1920s to the 1940s.


        Butter Down the Well - Robert Collins

        A prairie boy's memoir.


          Calling the Prairies Home - Mike O;Brien

          A historical celebration of our prairie heritage.


            Cartwright - Memories along the Badger (1880)

            A history of the community of Cartwright and municipality of Roblin in Southern Manitoba.


              Charyk J C - Those Bittersweet Schooldays

              Memories of the one room school house.


                Chicken Hill School District - A History

                A short history of the school and district.


                  CPR Log House - Manitou - by Don Hall (1920)

                  A memoir written by someone who grew up in the house.


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