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The Dirty Thirties

1930 - 1939

This was a time of poverty, of making do with what you had. Farms were less than productive and motorized vehicles were reconstructed to be pulled by horses - Bennett buggies.

Business & Public Affairs

Beygrau Paul T & Luther Burbank In Memorium (1920)

Beygrau, in later life, worked with Luther Burbank in his gardens. Their friendship led to Beygrau managing the development of Burbank's Gardens after Burbank's death.

Document from the Sonoma County Library.


    Beyond the Border by Maria Foth

    Maria Foth's description of her journey both physical and spiritual from Canada, through Russian and Germany, and back to Canada.


      Brief History of Cadurcis Church - 1883-1952

      A short history of a small church community situated between Minnedosa and Riverdale, MB.


        Brown, Frank - A History of Winkler - 1873-1973 (1880)

        A Centennial History of the town of Winker, Manitoba.


          Buchanan Collection - This Business of Farming - Part 2 (1925)

          A collection of documents concerning the Buchanan farming operation from the 1920s to the 1940s.


            Canada Post - 1930s Poster Collection (1935)

            A collection of posters displayed at rural Manitoba post offices during the 1930s.


              Canadian Pacific Railway - 1935 Train Schedules

              A brochure noting the times of departure along the CPR rail lines in 1935.


                Cartwright - Memories along the Badger (1880)

                A history of the community of Cartwright and municipality of Roblin in Southern Manitoba.


                  Cartwright Blacksmith Shop Restoration (1885)

                  A pictorial celebration of the reconstruction and restoration of the Cartwright, Manitoba Blacksmith Shop.


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