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Named after the Viking god of beauty, this community is the home of the Baldur Gazette.

Memoirs & Memories

Asmundur Asmundson: Man Without Feet (1880)

Asmundur, who lived his final years with Siggi and Sena Anderson, lost his feet in a snow storm in Iceland, yet survived to live a productive life in the Baldur District.


    Christmas on the Queen Elizabeth II

    Allan Thorleifson celebrated Christmas on board the Queen Elizabeth II in 1945. He asked hius supper mates to autograph his meno.


      Eulogy for Sigurborg Gottfred (1880)

      This typed copy of the eulogy for Sigurborg Gottfred came to us through Lena Thorleifson's collection of documents. Sigurborg was Lena's mother. We do not know who gave the eulogy at her funeral.


        Gottfred - Our Family Tree - 1971 (1880)

        This Genealogy  of the Gottfred family was collected by Vilmar and Hilda Magnusson in 1971.


          Johann Gottfred & Sigurborg Pallsdottir (1880)

          This document contains a brief review of the family's history in Iceland and the first generations in Canada.


            Johanneson Reunion Comments 1994 - Clarence Johannesson (1880)

            As chair of this reunion, Clarence shared memories of his time living with Thorfinnur and Karolina, his grandparents.


              Johannesson, Gudlaug ne Helgason - Memoir (1893)

              Gudlaug Helgason was raised near Churchbridge Saskatchewan and in the Grund District of Southern Manitoba. After her marriage to George Johannesson, the couple moved to the West Coast.


                Memoir of Dr Matthew Young - Ch 4 The Eden of Manitoba (1880)

                A historical reconstruction by Felix Kuehn.


                  Southern Manitoba and the Turtle Mountain Country by Rev L. O. Armstrong

                  Rev. L. O. Armstrong's diary of his journey from Emerson to the Turtle Mountains.


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