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Home of the Belmont Eye.

Book Store

A Story for Every Mile

This 140 page history of Southern Manitoba by Ed Ledohowski contains many photographs never before seen in publications and features many memoirs from Manitoba's past.

It is for sale from the PMA by contacting

Price $60

Shipping and Handling $25.



    Belmont News - 1903-05-08 (1903)

    An issue of the Belmont News newspaper.


      Community Histories

      Canada 1812 - 1871 The Formative Years

      This booklet, originally published by Imperial Oil, provides an understanding of the culture of Southern Ontario in the 19th Century. Many of the original settlers of the Pembina Manitou District came from Southern Ontario in the 1880's.


        Memoirs & Memories

        Faryon, Thring - Pioneer Days in Belmont District (1880)

        A memoir written in the mid 1950s by Thring Faryon concerning their first few years in the Belmont District.
