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People's Home Library - Medical Book Pt 3

The People's Home Library was a well used source of information needed to run a settlement period farm and household.


    Peter Rindisbacher - An Artist on Tour in the West

    A collectuon of works of art painted by Rindisbacher during his time in the west.


      Physical & Cultural Geography of the McKenzie District MB (1880)

      Dennis Windsor's Physical & Cultural History of the McKenzie District  and 2-9W in Southern Manitoba.


        Pilot Mound & District Reunion 1964 - Community History (1880)

        This short history of the community was created for the District Reunion in 1964.


          Pilot Mound - A Brief History

          A summary of historical and legendary information regarding the Pilot Mound.


            Pilot Mound Illustrated - 1902-03 (1880)

            A pamphlet celebrating the success and early growth of the Pilot Mound community, published in 1903.


              Pilot Mound Postcards ca 1908 (1900)

              A collection of Postcards showing scenes from Pilot Mound Manitoba ca 1908.


                Pilot Mound Reunion 1954

                A booklet prepared for distribution at the 1954 Anniversary Reunion.


                  Pilot Mound, Manitoba - Archibald Photos

                  A short history of the old Mound and early photos of the community of Pilot Mound, Manitoba.


                    Pine Fort

                    Booklet published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

                    Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


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