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McClung, Nellie L. - Selected News Articles - ca 1900 to 1940

A folder collection of articles by and about Nellie L. McClung.


    McClung, Nellie L. - Speeches Scribbler - Suffragists & McClung (1914)

    This book contains a series of speechies which seem to be the opening arguments for a series of debates. Their topics are varied, but one is on the issue of Suffrage for Women. They were written in 1914 and 1915, just before the granting of suffrage in Manitoba.



      McClung, Nellie L. - Stamp issued -1973 (1973)

      Communication '73 published this article regarding the issuing of the stamp commemorating the centennial of Nellie McClung's birth in 1973.


        McClung, Nellie L. - Statue or Bust - Redekop (2000)

        An article regarding the installation of the McClung bust in front ot the Manitou Opera House.


          McClung, Nellie L. - Wes McClung Drug Store Postcards of Manitou (1896)

          A series of postcards distributed by the R W McClung Drug Store in Manitou ca 1904 as a promotion of the community and of his business.


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