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Windsor Francis & Elizabeth - Photos & Documents (1880)

Settlement period photos and documents from the family of Francis & Elizabeth Windsor - McKenzie District in Southern Manitoba.


    Windsor Lynne E - A Memoir (1910)

    A memoir of life in the McKenzie District of Southern Manitoba.


      Winkler - A Proud Heritage - 75th - pt 2

      A community history.


        Winkler - Living Between Worlds (1880)

        Published in 2006 by the Winkler Heritage Society, this book celebrates the history of the community of Winkler, one of the communities in the Mennonite West Reserve in Manitoba.


          Winkler Heritage Museum

          A promotional brochure inviting the public to visit Winkler's Heritage Museum.


            Winkler Howard - Morden MB in the 19th Century (1880)

            A short history including notes and reminiscences concenring the early history of Morden, Manitoba.


              Winkler, Howard W - Papers

              A collection of documents from the archive of Howard W. Winkler.
