Nellie McClung conducted interviews with numerous local businessmen in preparation for an article which was to be published in an issue of 'Town & Country' a publication which never did get to print.
The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.
This diary contains remarks concerning Nellie McClung's day to day thoughts and goals.
The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.
Nellie McClung collected anecdotes and jokes she could use in her public speaking engagements.
The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.
Nellie McClung wrote most of her rough drafts in notebooks of different sizes. Mixed in with drafts of speeches would be lists of money spent on journeys, or grocery lists and expense lists for day to day.
The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.
Nellie McClung's diary for the summer of 1911.This was just after their departure from Manitou and leading up to their purchase of the house on Chestnut in Winnipeg.
The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.
Nellie McClung wrote this back story at the request of one of her publishers in preparation for an article promoting subsequent books. It gives hints as to where McClung found inspiriation for some of her characters.
The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.
A rough draft of a speech in support of Woman suffrage.
The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.
Along with other notes, this booklet contains successive weekly assignments for a piano student, apparently Paul, working at the grade four level.
The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.
Thoughts and ideas concerning the need for a public life - being influenced by those around you.
The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.
This is the rough draft of the speech McClung prepared in prearation for her performance as 'Premier' in which she roasts Premier Roblin and his pompous rhetorical style.
The original document can be found in the Royal British Columbia Archive.